It’s Tax Season

patrick rowlandPatrick Rowland, C.P.A.

Learn tax Planning and strategies as the new year and tax season unfolds. What has changed and what you need to know in order to prepare for 2024 tax file season. Tips, tricks, pitfalls and more!


WHEN: Saturday, February 22, 12pm

Wednesday, March 5, 4pm

Monday, March 17, 6pm

For more information contact Colleen Villano, Director of Healthy Living at

Relax Rejuvenate Restore

yoga pose art2 Hour Yoga Workshop

Join Jo McIntosh, RYT 500 in our restorative yoga workshop to heal and restore your body through relaxing poses

Find contentment, both in our practice and in our lives off the mat. How can our yoga practice help to find the state of happiness.

Stretch, be still, meditate, and breathe.

Restorative yoga is a restful practice that holds yoga poses (asanas) for a longer duration using props like yoga blocks, blankets, and bolsters. Through the use of props for support, many of the postures are held almost effortlessly.

When the body and mind are relaxed, tension is released. Become aware of sensations and thoughts that may arise.

The benefits of restorative yoga are similar to the many benefits of other styles of yoga, including:

  • Increased relaxation
  • Better sleep
  • Improved well-being
  • Better mood
  • Reduced pain
  • Gentle on the body

Bolsters, blocks and straps are provided. Please bring a yoga mat, a blanket or two, a hard pillow and a bottle of water. Don’t forget your warm socks!

WHEN: Tuesday, April 8

TIME: 1:00 PM —3:00 PM

FEE: Facility Member $40/Program Participant $80

Space limited to 12 participants. Register online or call Member Services at 203 481 9622.

Winter 2 Program Guide

2025 Program Guide Winter 2 AdultExplore our Winter 2 Program Guide! At the Y, we believe in you and are dedicated to helping you stay healthy, feel supported and have fun along the way. Our classes and programs are thoughtfully designed with our community in mind, offering something for everyone—no matter your age, skill level, or goals. Join our supportive YMCA community and be inspired.

Please browse our Winter 2 Program Guide 2025

Session Dates: March 3 – April 27, 2025

Member Registration Opens: February 10, 2025

Program Participant Registration Opens: February 17, 2025

Everyone is invited to participate. We understand that circumstances vary. Financial aid may be available for those who qualify.

Summer Day Camp

CCCY 2025 Day Camp Brochure Cover Image Several Kids


At Y day camp, your kids will make new friends and have tons of fun as they explore new adventures each day.

The YMCA believes all kids have great potential and deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve. At YMCA day camp kids and teens can develop skills, self-confidence, new friendships and a sense of belonging – all while having tons of fun.

In order to have fun and thrive, kids of all ages need to feel both physically and emotionally safe. When you drop your child off at a camp, you can rest assured that their total well-being will be supported. Safety is always our number one priority! We keep kids healthy and safe while providing enriching experiences. Our experienced and caring staff and volunteers model the positive core Y values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility that help build character.

Soundview Family Y Camp Nonoma Learn More: SDV Camp Nonoma 2025 Day Camp Brochure and SDV Camp Nonoma 2025 Day Camp Parent Handbook Registration Forms: SDV Camp Nonoma 2025 Day Camp Registration Packet – Fillable

Soundview Family Y Camp at Hays School: SDV Camp HAYS 2025 Day Camp Brochure and SDV Camp HAYS 2025 Day Camp Parent Handbook, which will be added shortly. Registration Forms: SDV Camp HAYS 2025 Day Camp Registration Packet – Fillable

If your child will require special assistance or medicine while at camp, these forms may also be required: Individual Care Plan_Medicine Authorization

Financial assistance is available for families who need it to ensure that all kids in our community can have enriching summer experiences. These forms are required to apply: Financial Assistance Forms

If your child is 14-15 years of age, they may be interested in our Counselor in Training program. In our CIT program, they will receive valuable job interviewing skills, child care training, leadership experience, team building, and problem-solving skills. To apply please fill out the application and contact the Y for an interview. CIT Application Form

Our camp programs fill up fast, so make plans to reserve your spot. 

Learn to Paint

expression orng rgbAdult Painting with Tess at the Soundview Family YMCA

Join our instructor as she teaches you how to paint with acrylic paints. Grab a friend or two and spend some time creating a piece of art!

WHO: Ages18+

WHEN: Tuesday March 11 AND/OR April 18

TIME: 11:00a.m.– 1:00p.m.

FEE: Facility Member: $30 Program Participant: $60

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton

Brine and Shine

youth pickleball sndYouth Pickleball at the Soundview Family YMCA

What’s Pickleball? It’s a combination of ping pong, tennis and badminton rolled into one fabulous game, played on a court 1/4 the size of a tennis court. Learn game rules, understanding the Court, scoring, paddle use and more with our 4 week sessions.

WHO: Ages 8-16

WHEN: Every Saturday, Session 1: Saturdays March 1-22, Session 2: Saturdays March 29-April 26, 2025 (No Class April 19, 2025)

TIME: 11:00am-12:00pm

FEE: Facility Member: $100 (4 Week Sessions)/Program Participant: $200 (4 Week Sessions)

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton

Have a Drink Make Some Art

snd paint and sipPaint and Sip at the Soundview Family YMCA

Join us for a safe and fun event for your child! Have your child paint a picture, while sipping on a fun drink. Share your talents with the group, grab a friend or two and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!

WHO: Grades 3-8

WHEN: March 9 & April 6

TIME: 10:00a.m.– 12:30p.m.

FEE: Facility Member: $25/Program Participant: $40

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Lynn Wheeler

Our Home is Your Home

ymca pose stockHomeschool Play & Swim at the Soundview Family YMCA

Have your homeschooled child join us for swim lessons and free swim, lunch together, and fun games and sports activities for all ages!

WHO: Ages 4-13

WHEN: Every Thursday

TIME: 11:00am– 1:30pm (Bring lunch, snacks and a refillable water bottle)

FEE: Facility Member: $135/Program Participant: $235

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton


Let’s Get Active

adventure atletes 1Athlete Adventures at the Soundview Family YMCA

Join us for this 8 week program where every week your child learns a new sport. For our younger age group parents must participate with their child. Create new friends, get active and exercise, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!

WHO: Ages: 3-4 year old (With parents) & 5-7 year old

WHEN: Every Saturday: March 1 – April 26 (No class on April 19)

TIME: Ages 3-4: 11:00 am – 11:45 am (With parents)/Ages 5-7: 12:00 pm – 12:45 pm

FEE: Facility Member: $85/Program Participant: $150

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. For more information please contact Andrew Seaton

Can You Spell B-I-N-G-O

bingo y usaBingo at the Soundview Family YMCA

Join us for a night of Bingo. Compete against others to finish your bingo board, win prizes, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!

WHO: Open to all

WHEN: March 22

TIME: 1:00pm.-2:00pm.

FEE: Facility Member: FREE/Program Participant: $5

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton

Tots Exploring Time

stepping stones snd 1Stepping Stones Drop off Activity

Drop off your child at our Stepping Stones program. Have your child participate in active kid friendly gymnastics movements, create fun and wacky crafts, foster new friendships, engage with others, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!

AGES : 2-4 (Must be potty trained)

WHEN: Every Tuesday and/or Thursday Session 1: March 3-27  Session 2: April 1-29 (No classes week of April 14-18)

TIME: 9:30-11:00am.


Single Day Sessions: Four Tuesdays OR four Thursdays. Must be same day each session) Facility Member: $60/Program Participant: $80
Two Day Sessions: (Tuesday AND Thursdays for one session) Facility Member: $100 (4 Week Session)/Program Participant: $160 (4 Week Session)

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. Questions? Please contact Andrew Seaton

Build Trade Craft

pokemon minecraft clubPokémon & Minecraft Club at the Soundview Family YMCA

Grab some friends and join the club! Every Friday meet at the Y to explore all things Pokemon and Minecraft. Play Minecraft, test your knowledge in trivia and create themed crafts. Snacks will be provided.

AGES: 6-12

WHEN: Every Friday, March 7-April 25 (No class on April 18)

TIME: 4:45pm-5:45pm

FEE: Facility Members $50 (7 weeks)/Program Participants $75 (7 weeks)

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton


snd science clubScience Club at the Soundview Family YMCA

Join our certified instructors as your child becomes a mad scientist. Explore the interesting and fascinating subject of science, conduct experiments, get involved with science inquiry , and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!

AGES: 5-7

WHEN: Every Wednesday, March 5-April 23 (No class on April 16)

TIME: Session 1: 4:30pm-5:10pm Session 2: 5:20pm-6:00pm

FEE: Facility Member: $85/Program Participant: $150

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton

One’s Trash is Another’s Masterpiece

orange recycleImagination Arts classes at the Soundview Family YMCA

One persons leftovers is another persons piece of art! Use everyday items that are recycled to make a masterpiece in this art class. You bring the creativity and we bring the fun!


WHEN: Every Monday, March 3-April 21

TIME: 4:30-5:15pm.

REGISTRATION FEE: Facility Member: $64/Program Participant: $120

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton

Start Your Successful Business

babysitting y usaBabysitting Course at the Soundview Family YMCA

The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) program gives your child everything they need to know for safe and successful babysitting. From how to get their business started to working with parents and children to safety, caregiving and first aid, this course will assist your child for the future!


WHEN: February 8, March 15, or Saturday April 12

TIME:  11:00-5:00pm (Bring lunch and water bottle)

REGISTRATION FEE: Facility Member: $85/Program Participant: $135

Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Andrew Seaton

Make a Difference in Our Community

SND Youth BoardBecome a Youth Board Member

The Soundview Family YMCA is now accepting applications for youth board members. This role provides youth perspective to the board of directors while engaging and leading community projects and activities on behalf of the Y. To apply, complete application and send or drop off to Matt LaPrino by March 7, 2025.

Job Description

Job Application

Application Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be an incoming Sophomore or an incoming Junior in Fall of 2025
  • Availability to attend 4 board meetings per year and other meetings as scheduled with Youth Board Chair during the school year.
  • Willingness to serve as an ambassador for the Y
  • Able to commit to a 2-year term

Small Group Big Results

Group Fitness Center Orientationgroup fitness center

Step outside your comfort zone and join Personal Trainer, Joey for a group orientation on all the equipment the fitness center has to offer!

With Joey’s guidance on our upgraded equipment your ability to spice up your fitness routine in 2025 can have endless possibilities!

Session dates and times:

Saturday, February 15
3pm Saturday, February 22
6pm Tuesday, February 25


Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions please contact Christina Murphy at

Create Better Days

better ways logoCannabidiol Education

Better Ways LLC is a locally owned Cannabis Therapeutics store located on the Branford Green.

Co-founder and owner Duncan Markovich takes a transformative approach, passionately educating the community about the significant benefits of cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System (ECS).

WHEN: Wednesday, February 19

TIME: 6:00pm

IN PERSON LOCATION: Soundview Family YMCA – 628 E. Main Street Branford

ZOOM OPTION: Meeting ID 845 0120 1377-Passcode 403492

Registration required. For more information, contact Colleen Villano, Director of Healthy Living at or call 203 481 9622.

Take the Chill Out of the Air

aoa women groupSoup and Chili Potluck

Bring your favorite soup or chili and recipe to share. This fun, free event is open to everyone so come and enjoy some good food with great friends!

WHEN: Monday, February 17

TIME: 12:00 – 2:00 PM

Sign up sheet on table in the lobby. Questions to Denise Bowen at or call 203 481 9622 x3213

Family to Family

NAMI logo8 Week Wellness Program for Mental Illness

The NAMI Family-to-Family program is a free educational course designed for family members, partners, friends, and significant others of adults living with mental health conditions.

The sessions are led by trained NAMI instructors who are family members with lived experience, offering empathy and practical guidance.

Participants often describe the program as transformative and empowering.

Join us for an information session on Thursday, February 20 in Studio AB. We’ll be joined by a guest speaker, Thomas Burr, Public Policy & Affiliates Relations Manager, NAMI Connecticut.

WHEN: Thursdays, March 6 – May 1

TIME: 6:15pm – 8:45pm

Click here to register

For more information, visit

Building Aquatic Leaders

lifeguard certification classAmerican Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course

Earn your certification in CPR/AED, First Aid, and Lifeguarding through the Blended Learning American Red Cross Lifeguard Course. Through lectures, online presentations, and in-person skill sessions, you will be ready to start your career as an aquatic leader.


  • You must be at least 15 years of age.
  • Access to a computer or tablet & the internet.
  • Successfully pass the prerequisites: a swim-tread-swim sequence without stopping to rest. and a timed event within 50 seconds

You must attend all in-person class sessions to earn your certification. There are no exceptions.

  • February 23, 10:30am-4pm
  • March 2, 10:30am-4pm
  • March 9, 10:30am-4pm
  • March 16, 10:30am-3:45pm

Inquire today by contacting Aquatics Director Valerie Parker at

Sweat For A Cause

Sweat For A Cause 2025SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, June 7

Together we can make a difference in the lives of others.

The Central Connecticut Coast YMCA is dedicated to the health of all people in our community, especially those with chronic disease. Our programs go beyond the physical, they provide a space for social and emotional healing, creating a community of support.

Help us raise funds to support our life-changing programs: LIVESTRONG AT THE YMCA, MS YOGA, Programs for People with Parkinson’s such as ROCKSTEADY BOXING; and other evidence-based/chronic disease programs. Most are offered to those who qualify, free of charge.

Join Our Wellness Challenge!

Y ALL IN Social Media 1ALL IN – Group Exercise Challenge

4 weeks January 13 – February 16, 2025

ALL IN is a 4-week challenge where you can earn points and win prizes for participating in group exercise classes.

Here’s How it Works:

  • Pick up an All In Workout Card.
  • Whenever you complete a group exercise class, ask the instructor to initial a box on the card. You get one (1) point per workout, and you can earn up to five (5) points for working out each week. Turn in your card each week and pick up another one.
  • Every week there is a prize drawing. As long as you have turned in a Workout Card or Referral Card for points that week, your name will be entered in the drawing for a weekly prize. As long as you keep participating, you can win a weekly prize.
  • A grand prize raffled to the member with the highest number of total points at the end of the challenge period.

Connect with Member Services or a Group Exercise Instructor for more information! Join today!


boy skiing concentratingYMCA Camp Hi-Rock is a sleepaway located in Western Massachusetts. We are nestled among 1,000 acres in the Berkshire Mountains, surrounded by conservation forest, and centered around our pristine, private, ninety-acre lake. This gives us the ideal backdrop for the wide variety of activities we offer, which include swimming, climbing, water skiing, archery, sailing and arts & crafts among many others. Camp Hi-Rock is dedicated to the growth and development of all of the participants we serve. We seek to help each camper develop his or her sense of personal worth and responsibility as a cooperative member of a group. In addition, we want campers to discover, learn, cultivate new skills, develop healthy lifestyles, create meaningful relationships, and become more caring, honest, respectful and responsible people.

Please visit us at the Soundview Family YMCA for a drop-in information session to speak face to face with a camp representative, view camp videos and slides, and learn more!

WHEN: Thursday, February 20, 4:30 – 6:30 PM / Monday, April 7, 4:30 – 6:30 PM

Can’t make it to one of these? Please check out our website for alternative dates and locations including virtual information sessions and open houses on camp in the spring: Click here

Winter 1 Program Guide

2025 Program Guide Winter 1 AdultPlease browse our Soundview Family YMCA Winter 1 2025 and discover opportunities to kick off the new year with a fresh start! Whether you’re looking to try something new, to begin a new routine, or meet new people, the Y may have something for you. This season is the perfect time to refocus your goals or make small adjustments to current habits that can lead to big, positive changes. Let us help you have healthy, lasting routines—one step at a time! Register for a YMCA Winter 1 Program.

Winter 1 Session runs January 6-March 2, 2025

Hear a Pin Drop

john caswellFree Hearing Screenings

The Soundview Family YMCA is pleased to have John Caswell from Discount Hearing join us to conduct hearing screenings.

Did you know that you can have bad balance with a hearing condition. There are sensory systems in our inner ear that provides our brain with information about balance, motion, and location of our head and body in relation to our surroundings.

WHEN: Thursday, February 27, March 20, April 17, May 22

TIME: 1:00—3:00pm

Registration is required. For more information, contact Denise Bowen E P 203 481 9622 x3213 or sign up at the activity table in the lobby.

Connect With Your Buddy

mommy and me 2Buddy & Me Classes at the Soundview Family YMCA

Join us as you and your child(ren) participate in a mommy and me class directly after childcare! Engage in activities for you and your little one(s), create a closer bond, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!

WHEN: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:45a.m.-11:15a.m. and 12:15p.m.-12:45p.m.

FEE: Facility Member: $5/Program Participant: $10

If interested or with any inquires, questions or concerns, please contact Andrew Seaton


Health, Education and Logical Planning People talking 1

Here at the YMCA, we understand that sorting through all the conflicting nutritional information out there can be both confusing and frustrating. We are here to H.E.L.P.

Perhaps you want more energy. Maybe you have those nagging sweet cravings that you can’t seem to get under control. Or, perhaps it’s time to finally figure out how to look and feel great in your own body. Does any of this sound familiar?

Two 60-minute sessions will get you on track to:

  • Understanding your goals and expectations together so that we can develop an action plan to ensure your success.
  • Know your dedicated H.E.L.P. Coach
  • Understand your body’s unique needs and create a personal blueprint.
  • Set personal goals.
  • Practice simple suggestions towards sustainable change.


Meet your H.E.L.P. Coach, Christina Murphy. In 2015, Christina started coaching for the Living Fierce Club where she coached women into transformation through step-by-step changes to their food and lifestyle, so that they permanently reach their goals in a way that’s enjoyable and easily integrated into their lives.
Christina furthered her training in 2019 from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where she received in-depth training in nutrition, health and wellness, and coaching skills. She offers workshops, 1-on-1 and group coaching programs to individuals needing extra help and support to create lifelong healthy habits.

To schedule an appointment, contact Christina Murphy, Nutrition Health Coach at




4b. Summer Camp FB TW v2 1YMCA Summer Day Camp is an experience like none other. Kids come away with new skills, confidence and friendships that broaden their perspectives and strengthen their character.

DAY CAMP REGISTRATION OPENS for all Central Connecticut Coast YMCA members on February 1, 2025; for Program Participants and Members of other Ys on February 15, 2025. Register early! So that we can maintain camper to staff ratios, we may have session waiting lists.

Let’s Play Pickleball

picklebal playerBeginner Clinic for Adults

Be confident on the Pickleball court and have more fun!

Four (4) session program will cover basic Pickleball skills – building a strong foundation.

Week 1: Game rules & Understanding the Court, Scoring, Paddle use, and Dinking
Week 2: Serving and Return of Serve
Week 3: Transition and 3rd Shot Drop
Week 4: Blocking the Bangers and Punch Volley

FEE: Facility Member $100 / Program Participant $150

Call today for session dates. Registration is required. Limited to only 8 players.


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LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a FREE twelve-week, small group program designed for adult cancer survivors.

Our goal is to help participants build muscle mass and muscle strength, increase flexibility and endurance and improve functional ability. Additional goals include reducing the severity of therapy side effects, preventing unwanted weight changes and improving energy levels and self-esteem. A final goal of the program is to assist participants in developing their own physical fitness program so they can continue to practice a healthy lifestyle, not only as part of their recovery, but as a way of life.

In addition to the physical benefits, the program provides participants a supportive environment and a feeling of community with their fellow survivors, Y staff and members. Y cancer exercise trainers work with each participant to fit the program to their individual needs. Trainers are trained in the elements of cancer, post rehab exercise and supportive cancer care. Classes will be offered weekdays with daytime and evening classes.

The LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program includes:
• Two 75 minute classes per week
• Full access to the Y seven days a week

NEXT SESSION: To be Announced


  • Strong personal desire and commitment to participate for the full 12 weeks; twice a week for 75 minutes to strength train and cardio.
  • Complete the LIVESTRONG at the YMCA Medical Clearance Form for participation from doctor.
  • Complete a confidential health assessment intake interview.

To learn more about LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, contact Christina Murphy, Lead Instructor of LIVESTRONG, E

Before and After School Child Care

2024 25 SACC Image.pubFind Your Homework Helper!

Through a balanced approach to youth development, the Y’s program will offer activities, mentorship and academic support, helping kids to thrive throughout the school year. We strive to meet the needs of our families while providing quality experiences for the children in our programs. Where and how children spend their time is vital to their growth and success in life.

As an organization dedicated to youth development, we know how important it is for a child to have an enriching place for learning and growth, both in and out of school. And we’re happy to be able to provide that place, allowing your child’s social, emotional, physical and academic journey to continue long. Are also proud to be able to provide you and your family with the services required to remain healthy.

Financial assistance is available to ensure every child and teen has the opportunity to learn and grow at the Y.

Call Lynn Wheeler, 203 481 9622 x3208 for more information.

We offer a curriculum that aligns with the school day and supports growth in literacy, science, math, science, engineering, and technology (STEM) while infusing the arts, physical activity, and fun. We teach kids confidence, encourage self-expression and enrich social development. Providing our youth with the support, encouragement and positive role models that they need, will not only increase their ability to succeed in school but in life. For families, we offer peace of mind knowing that your child is in a safe and educational program building new relationships and achieving more.

As a leading nonprofit committed to nurturing the potential of every child and teen, supporting their social-emotional, cognitive and physical development. Our experienced and caring staff and volunteers model the positive core Y values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility that help build character. Our core values are woven throughout our child care program to create a warm, nurturing, home away from home. Your child’s growth, development, and education are important to us, as we do our best to ensure their future is bright.

Everyone belongs at the Y. To ensure that all youth have the chance to participate, the Y offers financial assistance to those in need. Please talk with us to learn more. If you’d like to help send a child to child care, you can donate easily on our web site or at our Y. We also participate in the State of CT Care4Kids program.


East Haven School District Program: SDV HAYS 2024 2025 SACC Brochure; and 2024_2025 CCCY SACC Registration Packet

North Branford School District: Soundview Family Y North Branford 2024 2025 SACC Brochure; Soundview Family Y North Branford 2024 2025 SACC Parent Handbook and 2024_2025-CCCY-SACC-Registration-Packet-Fillable


East Haven School District Program: Soundview Family Y Hays School 2025 2026 SACC Brochure and Soundview Family Y Hays School 2025 2026 SACC Parent Handbook and  2025_2026 CCC YMCA School Aged Child Care Registration Packet-Fillable

North Branford School District: Soundview Family YMCA 2025 2026 North Branford SACC Brochure and Soundview Family YMCA 2025 2026 North Branford SACC Parent Handbook and  2025_2026 CCC YMCA School Aged Child Care Registration Packet-Fillable

FINANCIAL AID may be available, to apply please fill out the Financial-Assistance-Application-and-Care4Kids-Application.

YMCA360 Mobile App

YMCA360 Welcome to Your Upgraded App EmailHeader


Download our Mobile App which will allow you to:

  • Check-in using your bar code
  • View class schedules at your Y and other Central Connecticut Coast YMCAs
  • Make a class reservation
  • Watch YMCA360 on-demand programs
  • Add classes to your personal calendar (those at the Y and those on Y360)
  • Register for Programs and Classes
  • Learn what’s happening at the Y. Push notifications are also available
  • PLUS set personal wellness goals,
  • Track your wellness activities. Connect to your wellness device and other health apps. View a history of your wellness accomplishments
  • Reference Y hours and locations

Watch this little video for more!

To Download:

IOS Users CLICK HERE to download

ANDROID Users CLICK HERE to download

YMCA Camp Hi-Rock

Overnight Camp with Character

A DSC 0118 1 1Programs with Purpose

At the top of Mount Washington, at the end of a winding dirt road, lies Camp Hi-Rock. For more than sixty years, countless children, families, and adults, young and old, have been gathering in this spot to learn from each other, themselves, and their inspiring surroundings. Explore what Camp Hi-Rock has to offer! Click Here

Nestled in 1,000 acres of the Berkshire Mountains, surrounded by conservation forest, and centered around our pristine, private, ninety acre lake, YMCA Camp Hi-Rock enjoys a truly magnificent location. While at Hi-Rock, campers learn to act as stewards not only of the camp’s natural setting, but of the global environment in which they live.

In the fall, winter, and spring, Hi-Rock offers many meaningful programs for individuals, groups, and families, in addition to hosting groups such as scout troops, family reunions, and school and youth group retreats. Year-round, our wide range of facilities including a spacious dining hall, arts and crafts lodge, recreation lodges, rustic cabins, and waterfront building are the perfect complement to your group’s programming needs.

Located less than 30 minutes from Great Barrington, MA and about 2.5 hours from both Boston and New York City, our majestic location is a comfortable drive from most major cities in the northeast.

Refer Your Friends to Join the Y!

2023 Member Get A Member Men YellowWhen a friend you’ve referred joins the Y, we’ll thank you by giving you a FREE membership month.

There’s no limit to how many friends you refer and there’s no limit to how many FREE months you can receive.

Being with friends is always more fun for you and your family.

Take advantage of sharing the Y with your friends today!


At the YMCA we believe that when people experience all that our Y has to offer, they will be drawn into supportive, healthier relationships with one another and their community.

YMCA360 is an on-demand video platform for our Y community. YMCA360 offers 2500+ group exercise classes, youth sports training, well-being classes and more to serve you wherever you are. Whether you are at home or on the road, take the Y with you along with your favorite classes, instructors and more. Watch this brief introduction! 

These programs are free to all full-facility members of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCAs.

From your desktop, laptop, tablet, smart TV or mobile device, YMCA360 is available wherever you are with an internet connection. Instructions for access:

  • Please visit
  • Click the login button
  • Enter your email address, click continue
  • Enter your zip code, click continue
  • Click your YMCA
  • You will receive a 6 digit email code, via email
  • Enter this code, click continue
  • You will be let in!

Please reach out to the Y with questions or check our YMCA360 FAQs for CCCY Members. If you have a recommendation for a new program, please let us know.

ymca360 live buttonymca360 mindbody button ymca360 kids button ymca360 fitness button ymca360 boomer button

Movement for Parkinson’s

senior AOA fitness6418A class designed to help adults of all levels maintain an active lifestyle while focusing on cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility and balance.

Care partners are welcome to participate.

Registration required.

For more information contact Colleen Villano, Director of Healthy Living at

Y Stands For Youth

Youth in our Branch Wellness Center


Our Youth Wellness Orientation Bracelet Program is designed for youth members ages 10-13 who would like to use our Wellness Center while their parent is in the room. Youth will be given FREE training with one of our Wellness Coaches to learn about each aspect of the Wellness Center. Youth members will learn proper technique, safety, and etiquette of gym fitness. Schedule your appointment today at the Member Welcome Center.

Wellness Center: Yellow Bracelet

Youth members, 10-13 years of age are permitted to exercise on the cardiovascular equipment with a parent after completing a free orientation with a Wellness Coach. The youth member must wear a yellow wristband when working out in the Branch.

Wellness Center: Blue Bracelet

Youth members, 12-13 years of age are permitted to exercise on the strength equipment with a parent after completing a free orientation with a Wellness Coach. The youth member must wear a blue wristband when working out in the Branch. Prerequisite: Must have completed yellow bracelet training.

CONTACT: Member Service Team or Wellness Director.

Child Watch

AGES: 3 months – 9 years

A safe and fun YMCA staff supervised area where parents with a Family Membership can leave their children to play and enjoy activities while they participate in programs on-site.

FEE: Free with Family Membership

Climb to New Heights!

Playscape Rounded CornersThe Soundview Family Y boasts a 3 story high indoor playscape!

This awesome room is used for child watch, after school programs, family time, birthday parties and is one of the highlights of our onsite summer camps.

Get F.I.T.

2014 06 23 AOF 6388 RGB 1Free Introductory Training

As a New Y Member, we would like you to achieve your wellness goals and get the most out of your Y investment. Please sign up for F.I.T. (Free Introductory Training) Sessions so that we can help you get started.

  • Time to get to know each other. Your dedicated F.I.T. Coach is here to serve you!
  • Understanding your goals and expectations together so that we can develop an action plan to ensure your success.
  • Answer any questions you may have about wellness, equipment, and our facility.
  • Teach some basic tips so you can hit the ground running.
  • Review your progress toward your wellness goals and expectations. Offer some innovative tips to help you progress even faster and discuss potential barriers.
  • Start working towards your wellness goals and having some fun!
  • An introduction to our Personal Training Program.


Soundview Family YMCA

Schedule an appointment to reserve your Lap Lane or Group Exercise Class space!

The available times for Appointments are visible. If a time slot is not visible, another member has reserved it. Please consider another time, another class or an alternative day.

How to Schedule an Appointment to Reserve Your Space

1. At this time, all Central Connecticut Coast YMCA Members (Full Facility and Active Older Adults) are able to schedule an appointment and reserve a space in a Group Exercise Class or for a Lap Swim. If you have a question, please call the Y.
2. Enter your information exactly as it appears on your Y Membership Account.
3. Click Find Me.
4. Click on the arrow next to the field “Any date”. Select the date of your choice.
5. Click on the arrow next to the field “Appointment type”. Select your Appointment Type.
6. Scroll down to view available times. Click the arrow next to the field “Available Times”. Select the time of your choice.
7. Click BOOK.
8. Check the email provided for your confirmation. You will receive an email to confirm your reservation. Please be prepared to show the reservation to a Y employee in case you are asked. You can print the email or show it on your phone.

Kindly, cancel your reservation if your schedule changes.

How to Cancel an Appointment or Reservation

1. Enter your information as it appears on your Y Membership Account.
2. Click Find Me.
3. Select the “My Appointments” tab.
4. Scroll to locate the appointment you would like to cancel.
5. Select the red “Cancel” button to cancel your appointment.
6. Your appointment will indicate “Cancelled” when complete.

If something is just not going right, please call the Y 203.481.9622

Balance & Flex Together

BFT SoYouCan ShareSquare v3 01So You Can Balance the Important Things.

BALANCE & FLEX TOGETHER will grow you longer and stronger with an invigorating 60-minute mind-body workout. It incorporates yoga and Pilates fundamentals with athletic training for balance, mobility, flexibility and the core. Emotive music drives the experience as you breathe and sweat through this full-body fitness journey. Getting Started Details

Try Balance & Flex Together! Class days and times are listed in the Group Exercise Schedule posted on our schedules web page.

Strength Train Together

STT SoYouCan ShareSquare v3 01So You Can Be Strong for Them!

STRENGTH TRAIN TOGETHER maximizes your workout results within 60 minutes of impactful strength training. You’ll get stronger while improving movement when you combine traditional strength training with functional exercises using an adjustable barbell, weights and body weight. Getting Started Details

Try Strength Train Together! Class days and times are listed in the Group Exercise Schedule posted on our schedules web page.

Active Together

AT SoYouCan ShareSquare 01So you can explore life to the fullest!

ACTIVE TOGETHER is an innovative 60-minute workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, builds total body strength and enhances movement health for daily life. Inspiring music and supportive coaching will insure you succeed with simple, athletic exercises that use dumbbells, bodyweight and The STEP®. Getting Started Details

Try Active Together! Class days and times are listed in the Group Exercise Schedule posted on our schedules web page.

Supporting Wellness Together

A man reading milk labelReach your wellness goals with us! Weight Loss Program

This program is designed to help those seeking a healthier weight to achieve their goals by making small, modest changes to their daily behaviors and form sustainable, healthy habits. Participants will build skills for a successful lifestyle change.

Program Overview: 

  • 12 weeks / 1 session per week
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Tools, knowledge and group support will be provided to help you develop plans that support your weight loss goals.

Join today and get started on creating lasting change!

Detailed information can be found in our Program Guide, at our Member Service Desk or by calling the Y.

Personal Training

Picture1 1Inspire, Motivate, Maintain

If you are 14, 80 or in between, and if your goal is to lose weight; gain strength; improve balance; flexibility and agility; rehabilitate a new or old injury, or just push yourself – a Y personal trainer can help you get there.

Our certified personal trainers will help develop a personalized program that is perfect for you. They will support you with expert knowledge, coaching and motivation to help you feel and live better! A trainer will work at your pace, on your schedule, to encourage and motivate you to be all you can be.

Schedule a FREE evaluation today! We’ll discuss your goals and define a training program tailored just for you!

Lifeguard Certification

Lifeguard Certification

AGES: 15 and up

Here’s your chance to build your résumé and show the world what you can do. Prepare for college and a career by developing leadership and communication skills, be a hero by learning lifesaving skills such as first aid, CPR, and Oxygen Administration, and have fun while earning money at a job you’ll love! Contact the Y for more information.

Swim for Camaraderie and Competition

SYS Stingray BlkJoin the Soundview YMCA Stingrays Swim Team

The Branford Stingrays were organized in 1972 and began their collaboration with the Y in 2010. Offering a stimulating, enjoyable program that stresses stroke technique, starts, turns, and basic training, we measure success not in terms of one or two extremely successful swimmers, but in the measurable improvement of all our swimmers. Our members become the best swimmers they can be, by improving their physical skills, developing self-confidence and self-discipline, and an appreciation for the way that they and their teammates can help each other attain their goals through teamwork and mutual support. Stingray swimmers compete at all levels from local meets to Olympic Trials. We practice from September to March (short course season) and April to July (long course season).

Team Web Site


Membership with the Soundview Family YMCA is required and must last the entire duration of the swim season. Termination of membership is not automatic and must be requested in writing to our member service policy by the participant.

REGISTRATION: Click to the Soundview YMCA Stingrays Swim Team Registration Form 

CONTACT: Wesley Crozier, Head Swim Team Coach.

Private and Semi-Private Swim Lessons

AGES: 3 and up

One-on-one swim lessons with a trained swim instructor. Each 30-minute session is scheduled between the instructor and the participant. Register on-line or by calling the Y. Private lessons are offered for YMCA members only.

Y Vacation Club

No School, No Worries

Have your child join us for swimming, games, crafts and other fun activities on their days off from school.

FEE: Members $75 per day / Program Participant $150 per day

For more information, please contact the Y 203 481 9622

Lap Swimming Etiquette


  • Swimmers are encouraged to contribute to an atmosphere of cooperation and courtesy.
  • Always enter from the shallow end.
  • A maximum of five swimmers are permitted in each lane during lap swimming.
  • Please swim with others of similar speed. Lifeguards will move swimmers to the appropriate lane when necessary.
  • Always let swimmers in your lane know when you are entering the water.
  • Always circle swim counter-clockwise when three or more swimmers are in a lane.
  • Fins and/or kickboards are not permitted during circle swim.
  • Allow faster swimmers to pass. Passing always occurs on the left of the swimmer or at the end walls.
  • Do not stand at the ends of the pool for an extended period of time.
  • Teens age fourteen and older may participate in lap swimming.


Y Aquatic Safety Guidelines

Our lifeguards are here to ensure your safety and have the authority to restrict any behavior deemed unsafe. Y members and guests must follow all safety guidelines or may be asked to leave the pool area.

  • State health codes require all persons to shower with warm water and soap before entering the swimming pool.
  • Wear appropriate swimming attire in the water at all times. T-shirts, shorts, cut-offs and street clothing are not appropriate.
  • A parent/guardian, at least eighteen (18) years of age, who is a Y member, must accompany any child five (5) years of age and younger in the water at all times. Parents/guardians, of children seven (7) years of age and younger who have passed the swim test must remain on the pool deck. All swimmers eight (8) years of age and older who have passed the swim test may use the pool on their own.
  • Any non-swimmer must have an adult accompany them in the water and be within arm’s reach.
  • Children who are not potty trained should wear two layers of accident protection, a waterproof swim diaper and a bathing suit, at all times while in the swimming pool. For privacy and sanitary reasons, please refrain from changing children on the swimming pool deck.
  • If you have a communicable or infectious disease or an open sore, please do not enter the swimming pool area.
  • Spitting and nose blowing in the pool, pool areas and locker rooms are not permitted.
  • For everyone’s safety, the swimming pool will be closed during lightning and thunderstorms and will not reopen until thirty (30) minutes after the last occurrence of either.
  • Walk, do not run, to avoid injury.
  • Pushing, dunking and rough play are not permitted.
  • For your safety, diving is only permitted in water at least nine (9) feet in depth. Do not perform back-flips, back-dives, twists or any other type of flip that may cause injury to yourself or others.
  • Extended breath holding activities may cause blackouts and are strictly prohibited.
  • United States Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Devices can be used in the shallow end of the pool. They should be properly sized and in good condition. Persons wearing the device must be accompanied by adult in the water within arm’s reach.
  • Y equipment is for Y programs only. Starting and diving blocks are not for public use. Inflatable pool toys and flotation devices are not permitted.
  • Glass containers, food, and gum are not allowed on the swimming pool deck.
  • Please do not sit, play, hang or lie on the lane lines.
  • Before entering the deep end of the swimming pool, all swimmers must complete the swim test including an unassisted 25-yard non-stop swim and a thirty (30) second tread which will be recorded in our log. The lifeguard may administer a swim test at any time.
  • Stop, look and listen when you hear the lifeguard’s whistle blow.
  • Have fun, be safe and keep your language and behavior family friendly.
