Time To Explore

Free Mad Scientist Classes offered at Child Watch! Once a month, on Friday evenings, we will be running our Mad Scientists Club for free in Child Watch! Our Mad Scientists Club will engage children in a variety of activities centering around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math. WHEN: Friday, March 7 TIME: 6:15-7:00 pm Pre Registration […]

Can You Spell B-I-N-G-O

Bingo at the Soundview Family YMCA Join us for a night of Bingo. Compete against others to finish your bingo board, win prizes, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!! WHO: Open to all WHEN: March 22 TIME: 1:00pm.-2:00pm. FEE: Facility Member: FREE/Program Participant: $5 Register online or in person at the Soundview Family YMCA. With questions […]

Connect With Your Buddy

Buddy & Me Classes at the Soundview Family YMCA Join us as you and your child(ren) participate in a mommy and me class directly after childcare! Engage in activities for you and your little one(s), create a closer bond, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!! WHEN: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:45a.m.-11:15a.m. and 12:15p.m.-12:45p.m. FEE: Facility […]

Toddler Tumbling Triumph

Little Gymnasts in Action: Gymnastics for Threes Calling all parents and toddlers! Watch your little ones bloom with joy as they embark on a gymnastics adventure designed to captivate their imaginations and nurture their physical development. WHEN: Wednesday 10:30–11:15am, Friday 9:00-9:45am, Saturday 8:45- 9:30am, Sunday 8:45-9:30am FEE: Member $135/Program Participant $270

Celebrate With Us!

Birthday Party Packages at the Stratford Y At all of our birthday parties, a party host will be provided to help parents set up and clean up from the party. Parties are two hours—the first hour is in the pool, and the second hour is in our party room. You’ll provide the decorations and food, […]

Play Hard, Party Harder

BIRTHDAY PARTY RENTALS The Lakewood-Trumbull YMCA has two amazing facilities that offer a variety of party options to celebrate your child’s next birthday!  Choose one of our year-round, seasonal, indoor, or outdoor parties.  Our enthusiastic and experienced staff will work closely with you to customize the activities and space to create a fantastic birthday!  To […]

Want to workout as a family?

Try our Wellness Center! Our Wellness Center includes state of the art Life Fitness cardiovascular and strength training equipment and a stretching area for flexibility and functional exercises. All Full Facility members receive a free Fit Training on how to use the equipment with a certified Personal Trainer. 10-13 year olds interested in learning how […]

Family Time Themed Events

Enjoy family time at the Y! Every month look for our themed evening events that offer Families time to play together, get together and live healthily. A light meal will be served. Pre-registration required. FEE: Free for Family Facility members

Camp and Outdoor Center

Our facility is open in the summer. We offer summer programs, group and private swim lessons, pool parties, and group rentals. Our Camp and Outdoor Center offers 3 pools, boating, tennis, basketball, rental, birthday parties, swim lessons and is home to our summer day camp, Camp Tepee. 204 Stanley Road Monroe, CT  06468 P 203 […]